Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I was supposed to be on Curb Your Enthusiasm yesterday to watch the Lakers Game, but Bug and her friend Reed came to visit so I canceled work. I felt a bit bad, but had so much fun with them. We went to Pink Berry and Highland Park with the doggies and then went bowling as soon as Ben got off work. It was worth missing the game, they lost anyway.
So here are some pictures of the community I live in:

So here are some pictures of the community I live in:

Life in L.A. (as of three weeks and 1 day ago)
Hey family and friends. Blogging time. I am not much of a writer so this is really more to keep you all informed on my journey.
So far so good is really all I have to say. I had so many preconceived notions on what living in Los Angeles would be like and everyone kept telling me I would either love it or hate it so I should visit first. Luckily, it didn't take long at all for me to realize I would be one of those people who love it.
It really was love at first sight, the second I got on that CA- 2 coming into Riverside drive there was a rush of excitement I have never felt before. Partly because for the first time in my life I was moving somewhere without any clue where my life was headed, but partly because if I let my foot off the accelerator for even a second the race car drivers approaching quickly behind me on the busy freeway would end my life right then and there. It's the fast paced, but laid back attitude of this city that I adore already. Not to mention the unbelievable 80 degree weather in January and the fruit trees on every corner.
For about the first week I was here, okay maybe more like the first 2 weeks I was here, I was absolutely terrified of the freeways. I finally braved them all by myself late one night (not the best time, but at least the traffic wasn't bad) when Ben and I went to a party at his brother and sister in laws house and he wanted to stay, but I was getting chilly so I went back to get some warmer clothing on and to take my brother who came with us back to my apartment. I was so determined to get from Eagle Rock to Silver Lake and back to Eagle Rock that my fear never really set in and I successfully made the trip after almost rolling the SUV down a very steep hill. It really wasn't so bad, I just realized that making a U-turn on a dead end street wasn't such a good idea because the reason it was a dead end street was because it was nearly impossible to go any further up the hill side without being practically verticle. I made it back to Graham, Elizabeth and Rex's, my heart pounding and a lot more awake than I was when I left.
After that journey I was fearless, going to tbe grocery stores and gas stations in my neighborhood without thinking twice. The thing is, L.A. drivers aren't scary. They are really very nice most of the time. Unlike on the East coast where they lay on their horns and flip you off as they pass you. L.A. drivers simply beep very gently as if to say, "hey, I'm back here, just letting you know so we don't get into an accident. You see, i'm kind of on the way to the beach and as much as I'd like to make a new friend I'm sort of late to meet my old friend and I don't want to be rude, you know, but hey, no worries, whatever happens happens, but yeah it would be pretty cool if we didn't hit eachother, so that's all my saying." I guess it's kind of hard to be an asshole when it's always sunny.
two of my favorite places in my neighborhood are Pink Berry and Trader Joes.
Insane...I know.
One more thing I love about this city is comedy night at the Upright Citizen's Brigade Theater in Hollywood where two weekends ago Ben and I and a whole group of Fairfieldians got to see Jeff Garlin and his guest Andy from the Office, for the insanely inexpensive amount of $1.00... $1.00! I'm not joking. The shows are only $1.00 and ever weekend they have different famous and no name people who are among the funniest people in existence. Plus they give away prizes. Jeff gave me a chocolate bar the size of my head ( to share with Ben, he said.)
This is a long post since I have been here for 3 weeks and just now decided to update y'all, but you can always break up your reading into a few days since I probably won't post again until God only knows when, I guess when something more significant happens.
I went on a few interviews for part time work at clothing stores and pardon my language, proceeded to say to myself, "Fuck this, you came all the way out here to act and pursue your career NOT to work at a clothing store, what the fuck are you doing going on job interviews for something you don't want to do anymore?!" That's when I decided to take the advice my lovely roommate Ariana had told me before I went on those interviews which was, "What the fuck Sara, you came all the way out to here to pursue acting and a career, what the fuck are you doing?! Go pursue acting!" Once I finally woke up, I didn't have much of a choice, neither of the two employers got back to me..nature's support to find another job I guess, I signed up with Central Casting Los Angeles and got a calling service to get me work. So far I've been signed up for one week and have been employed every day I have asked to be employed. Pretty sweet.
My very first job was on the set of True Blood which is an HBO series about vampires starring Anna Paquin, the second youngest person to have ever won an academy award at the age of 11 (she was beaten by Tatum O'Neil by a few months.) What an amazing first experience. Everyone was so nice and the catered food was delicious!
I also worked on the new movie, Mrs. Washington, starring Cybill Shepherd. My car will also be appearing in the film. I knew my pretty pearly white toyota avalon was going to be a star too. I couldn't be more proud.
Anyway, I've been on the computer nearly all morning I really should go do laundry and clean up the apartment a bit. I will upload real photos soon!
Love you all!
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