Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bad Timing?

So I guess coming to Fairfield may have been a stupid thing to do. I got a call yesterday from my calling service because a casting director wanted me in a production and they were going to give me a SAG voucher. I looked into flying back, but filming was on a weather permitting basis only, so they told me as much as they were impressed that I was willing to fly back for it, it probably wasn't worth the risk and they would consider using me in the future. I hope that there will be many more opportunities for SAG vouchers because that is the whole reason for doing background work. I know some people who have been doing extra work for years and still haven't gotten a voucher. I could have gotten one within a month of having started background work...

I suppose if it's meant to happen it will happen.

I love that I'm already getting to see my family and friends and that I'm getting to spend time with Ben and Pumpkin, I would have missed them so much. It's important to take them away from Los Angeles too. You start to become someone else after a while and it's good to go back to your roots. Even after only being there for a month I started acting like the other people on set. Getting upset about the long hours and gossiping about the "poor production assistant's attitude." Being away from it for a while will hopefully remind me that being in L.A. and having work there is a privilege that many people don't ever get to experience and that I should be grateful for everything I have.

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